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By Nikka BS

Using the Scuba Diving Full Face Mask for Safety and Comfort

A new, cool way to view the underwater world is by using a full face mask but what is it exactly? How does it differ from a traditional  diving mask and is it the right gear for you?

Ocean Reef Neptune Space G Full Face Mask

Basically, a full face mask is a type of diving equipment that would seal the whole face of the diver. It commonly has a mouthpiece or a demand valve that would provide the diver with breathing gas.

Oftentimes, full face masks come with a microphone and an earpiece inside to allow the diver to talk or communicate with another person. Take note that speaking while underwater can be different compared to speaking on land.

While underwater, there are things that divers need to understand and follow. The way to communicate over the communications system should begin with the following steps.

  • Press the button in order to start transmitting. If you hear the activation beep, you need to wait for a moment before going to speak.
  • It is important to speak slowly, while pronouncing the words in a careful manner.
  • Each conversation must end with the word Over.

It is essential to know the basics of using the full face mask, along with other scuba diving instruments before diving all by yourself. Using the full face mask allows for a clearer, wider field of vision and provides comfort when diving in cold waters and safety against jellyfish stings or corals. Here are some notable functions of the full face mask.

  • It helps the diver get some protection to the face from polluted and cold water when scuba diving.
  • Increases breathing security and space for equipment that would allow the diver to communicate with his or her companion on the surface.
  • It allows the diver to see things clearly while underwater.

Ensure that you understand the rules and follow them as stated to avoid any unwanted incidents underwater.