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By Nikka BS

Safety Tips When Diving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Are you getting excited to go back to diving? While the threat of the coronavirus is real, you can get back to your favorite sport by following safety protocols. Here are some important tips for safety that every scuba enthusiast should know about.

Get information from local authorities

Note that not all scuba diving areas are allowed by local authorities. They might be following stringent guidelines to preserve emergency medical services. Additionally, you may also follow the general safety guidelines from the World Health Organization to maintain social distancing, proper and frequent handwashing, and self-monitoring of symptoms.

You may also acquire information from training agencies sharing ideas where travel and  diving restrictions are strictly observed.

Check diving safety with DAN

Another thing to check if you are good to go is the DAN website. It offers best practices for sanitation of scuba diving equipment, information on diving after the pandemic, and news on potential dive-related health implications after a COVID-19 case.

Moreover, the site provides commitment on diver health and offers fully functional dive emergency phone support services.

Check your own health condition

It is important to understand that COVID-19 is a condition that affects the lungs. That said, it can also affect your scuba diving activities. That is why the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society has published a report regarding the risk of the disease to scuba divers after recovery.

In fact, it has stated that it requires a period of recovery that can take weeks or months before returning to full activities depending on the severity. Moreover, the long-term impact of the disease and recovery time will vary.

Check your insurance policy

Always dive with a valid insurance because it is one of the requirements for scuba divers. Therefore, you have to check if your insurance has already lapsed that might affect your ability to enjoy diving.

Watch out for equipment rentals

Detailed guidelines have been created by DAN to inform divers on how to sanitize  dive equipment. If renting an equipment, make sure to have it sanitized in front of you or better yet bring your own cleaning supplies to sanitize masks, mouthpieces, and oral inflator hoses.