Scuba Diving in Barbados: What You Need to Know

With moderate climate all year, a vibrant marine life and a range of wreck sites, there’s no question that Barbados is a  scuba divers destination. But it’s not just life under the water that’s interesting in this island nation in the Atlantic: there’s just about everything including lively nightlife, beautiful gardens and a capital on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

When is the best time to come?

Barbados experiences two seasons: the wet and the dry. The months of June to November are characterized by higher rainfall while December to May averages around 70 to 88°F. The island nation is also spared from the tropical storms and hurricanes that hit neighboring areas. With a location on the south-east area of the Caribbean, Barbados lies outside the principal hurricane strike zone.

Summer is the best time to visit the country. This is the time when water temperatures are at its warmest, around 80°F.

What are the diving conditions?

While Barbados doesn’t offer the  best visibility – only around 40 to 70 feet while other islands in the Caribbean have more than 100 feet – the country has a unique quality that draws you in. The place is well-structured with a relaxed Caribbean vibe.

What are the best wreck sites?

  • SS Stavronikita. This is the most famous wreck on the island. It’s a Greek freighter that was purposely sunk. Here, you’ll find huge tube and robe sponges.
  • Pamir. Sitting in about 60 feet of water, this wreck is ideal for beginners.
  • Carlisle Bay Marine Park. A cluster of wrecks can be found here including the Berwyn, a WWI French tug boat; Elion, which sunk in 1996; and Cornwallis, a WWII freighter.
  • Barracuda Junction. As its name suggests, this is the place to see barracudas as well as colorful corals and sponges, plus loads of fish.

What marine animals can be seen?

Apart from the ones already mentioned, you can find parrotfish, Bermuda chub, grouper and reef squid. Stringray, moral eels and nurse sharks can also be observed.