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By Nikka BS

Scuba Diving Equipment Disinfection and Coronavirus (Part 2)

The coronavirus pandemic can be suppressed using effective preventive measures. Thus, it is best to know how to avoid contamination from acute respiratory infections by disinfecting  scuba diving equipment properly.

Disinfecting With Bleach

The effectiveness of bleach or sodium hypochlorite against viruses has been proven in a number of studies. However, it is important to use only with proper protective equipment, such as gloves, masks, and goggles.

The solution must only be mixed in well-ventilated areas with cold water. Do not use hot water because it will only decompose the active ingredient.

So it is important to note that after disinfecting the scuba diving equipment it must be rinsed thoroughly with water and dried before use. Remember that it is corrosive to stainless steel and irritating to mucous membranes, eyes, and skin.

Soap and Water

One of the most effective ways of protecting yourself from the coronavirus diseases is to wash your hands with soap and water. But, soap and water, will not kill the viruses, as this will only remove them from the surfaces.

According to experts, soap and water will not work for cleaning scuba diving equipment. However, it should be done with mechanical action upon cleaning. Some  scuba equipment may also require disassembly to be cleansed thoroughly.

The inside of the regulator, however, needs to be soaked with a disinfectant solution. This includes the diaphragm, lever arm, and the internal surfaces.

Disinfecting With Alcohol

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that a 60% alcohol solution such as ethanol or isopropanol is enough for disinfecting your hands. On the other hand, you need at least 70% solution when you are going to disinfect surfaces.

But the use of benzalkonium chloride hand sanitizers is not so reliable compared with alcohol-based sanitizers. Nevertheless, the use of alcohol repeatedly can harm certain types of rubber or plastic as it causes cracking, hardening, and swelling of your scuba diving equipment.

This may not be the best disinfectant, however, to use on your scuba equipment. Moreover, if you are going to use an alcohol-based sanitizer, make sure that your hands are dry before you assemble equipment or fill cylinders. This is because it alcohol is flammable and not to be used near compressed gas, like air and oxygen-enriched gases.