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By Nikka BS

Guide to Wreck Diving Safely

With shipwrecks found all over the world, and with some destinations having more than 5 of them in one area, it is no surprise that wreck diving is one of the most popular underwater activities. It is also very risky and dangerous, and safety should be observed at all times. With 15 to 30 per 100,000 divers die per year, it is best to be cautious at all times to avoid being part of the statistics.

The Good Divers Are Living

The phrase relates to the basic safety precautions of  wreck diving, and should be remembered at all times. It is sometimes written as The Good Divers Always Live.

T for Training

All divers must train before going underwater. Do not rely on experience alone, as this doesn’t substitute adequate training. When you train properly, you can go down and up the wreck sites alive and in one piece.

G for Guidelines

It is important to lay down guidelines before a dive. Have a plan on what you need to do when your lights fail, when visibility suddenly drops to zero, or when the wreck lies upside down.

D for Depth

The deeper you go the higher the risks, what with more nitrogen narcosis associated with deeper waters. Always stay within your limits. If you want to go further down, get more training and experience.

A for Air Supply

Always keep an eye on air supply. In a high-risk environment, such as underwater, running out of air can easily mean death. Remember to go back to the surface before your original gas supply hits two-thirds.

L for Lights

L should have mean line, considering that it would help you find your way back to safety if your lights go out. Then again, you would miss the beauty of the wreck without the lights. You won’t be able to read the air supply gauge without it either. Just make sure to bring extras.

So remember: The Good Divers Are Living. Keep this in mind and you should be fine.

Check out some of our high-quality safety equipment for a  safe wreck dive